i Aviamentos is an online ordering tool APP for our professional fashion customers. Customers can request an authorization within the APP. After approval of the request, they will be able to see our product information and place online orders.MODA BRASIL COMERCIO DE AVIAMENTOS LTDAWe keep stock of a wide variety of products: among them; BUTTONS, BUCKETS, LACES, ZIPPERS, BLANKETS, PEARLS, RIVETS, EYELETS, APPLIQUES, UPHOLSTERS, STRASS CHAINS, STONES, CAVIAR, NAIL PIECES, FABRICS AND ETC ...We have extensive knowledge of trade in AVIATIONS for footwear and clothing, as we are one of the first companies to carry out imports for this market segment.Our main objective is to know, experience and collaborate to assist in the needs of our customers, thus forming great partnerships that will be essential for both companies.